For as long as I can remember, I have had some pretty interesting dreams that I am able to recall upon waking. My dreams cover the spectrum from silly and absurd to absolutely exhausting at times. I'm not here to discuss the theology of dreams because I'd rather be a little oblivious than try to interpret the absurdity of some of them. Last night I must have had too much water before I drifted off (I need to follow the rule I make my 4 year old follow - potty one more time before bed). Deep in dreamland, I was running around with my kiddos in desperate search of a place to pee. (Caution - this next part might just be TMI for some of you) I could not for the life of my find anywhere suitable and began looking for a tree. I must have found somewhere "suitable" but distinctly remember needing to conceal the fact that I had indeed peed in a public place. So I finally “went” and also remember that incredible sense of relief I experienced in my dream. Now what is amazing to me is that I awoke from this dream and did indeed need to "go". As I discussed this dream with my husband (and he has heard some crazy ones from me in the span of our marriage) we both laughed and wondered how it was possible that I had not completely saturated our bed before waking. Gross, huh? Sorry. Guess that's my true sense of humor if I'm really honest. Anyway, I did not write all of that to dive into some analysis of why I dreamt that - the simple explanation is that I just needed to pee.
What does fascinate me is this God created organ called our brain and the power He gave it to function in our lives - emotionally, physically, and spiritually. (Just do a word study on the word "mind" and you will find so many truths about His power in our life.) I have been reading a great book called "Breaking Through Depression: A Biblical and Medical Approach to Emotional Wholeness". I have to say that I am thus far impressed with the balanced approach this book offers. I will probably write more on some of the highlights I have appreciated about this book at another time. For now, though, I find myself drawn to the idea that God created these amazing little things in our body called endorphins.
Without getting too bogged down by some heady definition, endorphins are simply defined as "brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters, which function to transmit electrical signals within the nervous system. At least 20 types of endorphins have been demonstrated in humans. Endorphins can be found in the pituitary gland, in other parts of the brain, or distributed throughout the nervous system. Stress and pain are the two most common factors leading to the release of endorphins.”
I am fascinated by these little guys for many reasons but always taken aback when I see that our Heavenly Father designed our bodies in such intricate fashion...knowing that we would need our bodies to release something to aid in our ability to handle stress and pain. Thus I have been evaluating what produces endorphins in me as to take advantage of this wonderful God-given process.
(A little disclaimer here and I will try not to sound like I am on some soapbox) After going through this whole process of wrestling with depression, taking my time to seek the Lord through all of this, I am amazed at how I have rolled my eyes at science and psychology. As with anything, I think we have to stop and consider the source of any findings as well as look at them from a biblical perspective. Because of the influence "the world" sometimes offers, I have dismissed some great information or ignored it. I believe that the God of our bodies, who knit them together, and designed them, is the ultimate source of all of these chemicals, hormones, reactions, and processes. The problem arises when we take Him out of the picture and become too extreme. Just as I would never counsel anyone to just "pray harder" or "have more faith" when experiencing depression, pain, stress, or loss, I would not have anyone simply focus on an aspect of scientific or psychological findings and remove our Creator from the picture either. Hope that makes sense and that you hear my heart.
So here are my findings about what releases endorphins in me...
1. Good perspective (whether it's time spent worshipping in the car to a song, to conversation with God, reading the Word, or a good book) Anything that brings me to a place of seeing the greatness of our God.
2. Family time (all of us being together, laughing, playing a game, or snuggling on the couch)
3. Exercise (suffering, sweating, and working hard)
4. Writing (getting my thoughts down and out of my head either through journaling or blogging)
5. Laughter (especially with my husband, kids, or friends)
6. Road Trips (I love the anticipation of being in the car with people I love and having great conversation)
7. Snow cones (what can I say, they make me happy and feel like a kid)
8. Having my priorities straight (money, schedule, people, commitments)
While it may not be an exhaustive list, these are the ones that have been of great necessity as of late. And - if these little guys are of such tremendous gain for us as individuals, I suggest finding out what's on your list. How thankful I am for a God who "fashioned" us and knew how to design our bodies. I love Psalm 139 and the reminder that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made"!
This was the highlight of my morning Michele! Thank you for posting this. You have me THINKING!!! Would love to talk to you more about this if you have time soon. :-) Heather Kane